(1901 -1963)

This website shows a selection of the work of Dr S.D.Jouhar, one of the most innovative and accomplished amateur photographers of his era. He was known to many, in photographic circles, simply as “The Doctor”.

He became a Member of the Royal Photographic Society  in 1938, achieved his Associateship in 1939 and his Fellowship in 1940. 

More or less continuously from 1944, until his death in 1963, he served on the RPS Council and, as a keen Member of the Pictorial Group, he was its Honorary Secretary between 1944 and 1950 and later it’s Chairman

In 1944 he was elected a member of the London Salon of Photography. At the time when he was invited to join, there were less than 30 members worldwide.

“The art of looking at pictures can only be properly acquired by constantly looking at pictures”

S.D.Jouhar – 1947